Tag Archives: anomie

‘Istanbul Rising’

Gazi neighborhood in Istanbul has a long history of friction with the government. It has been the scene of many massacres as well as brutality from both the police and the armed forces due to its strong political and ethnic identity. This picture from tonight (Friday) shows how young the Gazi protesters can be.

“On Friday, May 31, Turkish riot police fired tear gas and pepper spray into a peaceful protest held to save Gezi Park, one of the last green areas in central Istanbul. This set off the biggest civil uprising in the history of the Turkish Republic, calling for Prime Minister Erdogan’s resignation. The unrest has spread like wildfire to more than 60 cities where protests are still ongoing.”  VICE News landed in Istanbul the day it all kicked off.  Here’s a video report – Istanbul Rising (18 min).

As the report makes clear, there’s large-scale deviance going on in cities throughout Turkey — but what type?  How would Merton (Social Structure and Anomie) classify the actions of these nonconformists all over the streets?  What mode(s) of adaptation are on display?

Here’s a link to Occupy Gezi, where you can find more video, photos, and news from Istanbul.